«Yes, you hypocritical liberals,
it's a culture war!»
Murray N. Rothbard «Upon the foundation of private property, great civilizations are built» Russell Kirk ItalianoROTHBARDIANAThe austro-libertarian website on political philosophy and economicsby Piero Vernaglione ![]()
This website deals with political, social and economic theory from
a libertarian perspective, in particular from the point of view of
anarcho-capitalist libertarianism and the Austrian School of Economics.
It aims to contribute to the knowledge of these ideas and to a wider
reflection on the comparison between them and other currents of
thought. To this end, in addition to the sections specifically
dedicated to the various aspects of the libertarian and Austrian
doctrines, authors and policies, there are also complete reviews of the
history of political, legal and economic theories, divided by authors
or by schools, and integrated with the interpretations provided by
scholars of different orientations.
The name of the heading represents a tribute to Murray Newton Rothbard, the greatest libertarian theorist. A complete bibliographyof the American philosopher and economistis is offered, improved and updated also with respect to the most accurate bibliographies proposed so far; it can be consulted in a functional way and with direct access to most of the works in the original language. All the writings translated into Italian are also provided, with extensive summaries of them created by the editor and all the works on the author, in Italian and English. |
Paleo links Chronicles Magazine Salisbury Review Traditional Britain Group Anti-Political Correctness Informed Minds The Liberty Conservative Quarterly Review Living In A Madhouse UK Independence Party VDare The Right Nation The Philadelphia Society Cultura&Identità VIDEO & AUDIO Current affairs La questione ambientale: il punto di vista scettico |
Libertarian Authors Il libertarismo applicato ai singoli temi Paleolibertarismo Anarcocapitalismo ![]() Scuola Austriaca Destra, Sinistra e libertarismo ‡ ‡
‡ Storia delle teorie economiche Filosofia del diritto, storia delle teorie giuridiche Concetti politici e giuridici |
Libertarian links L. von Mises Institute LewRockwell.com Property and Freedom Society Journal of Libertarian Studies Libertarian Papers Libertarian Party LP Mises Caucus Hans-Hermann Hoppe Stephan Kinsella Walter Block Sean Gabb AntiWar.com Lib. Alliance - Free Life Liberty International Cato Institute Reason Liberty.me Paleolibertarian.com Against Politics Institute of Economic Affairs Institute for Humane Studies Caminos de la Libertad Istituto Bruno Leoni Movimento Libertario Miglio Verde Istituto Liberale Libreria del Ponte StoriaLibera Usemlab Rubbettino Liberilibri La voce del gongoro |
Italian bibliography Italian bibliography by type of document: Libri Saggi Articoli Raccolte Scritti su Rothbard in italiano |
Complete bibliography by type of document: Books Essays Articles Collections Works about Rothbard |